door Tony Flanders op 26 juli 2018

Hello everybody

Just letting you know what´s going on.
I Do hope that you could reserve a little of your time to read this.

Could/would you give a little shout out for my CD single “The Fragrance”?  Better, you could order one, or you could check out the I-tunes store.
Perhaps then people will become interested.

 I have send mails to many other people, have not received any answer. Do hope to get an answer from you.
You see my CD Single “The Fragrance” was recorded some time ago.
People do not seem to be interested. Or perhaps, it is just not good enough.

All I could say for now is that the CD Single of “The Fragrance” is now on the shelf gathering dust.

If they could be sold, I will then be able to record some more of my songs.
I also have some Gospel songs.

Do check me out, I do hope to hear from you concerning this.
I also really do hope you become fans.

Tony Flanders


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